Shipwrecked by Sarah Abraham

Starry Wood by Mike Newsome

Shipwrecked by Sarah Abraham 

You would ask me to silence my aching heart
All because you have to live by your pride
When I have died a thousand times under your sadistic rule
Even though all I asked you for is mercy
Did you listen?
Silence my cries?
Swallowed over and over again the waves of your emotions
I was slammed against rocks hundreds of times
While I begged for you to reach in and save me
Yet you watched with hate in your eyes
You couldn't spare a moment
Not a moment of your time

And I was drowning...
Drowning in your guise, in your lies, in your unyielding eyes
But right before my conscience left me I saw a glimmer in the water
As I got closer I saw the reflection of a girl in a mirror
Her eyes were so broken reflecting like glass
Shards were falling out of her eyes
She was only shades of black, grey and blue
She looked so hungry, starved for affection
In all this misery she was holding something up above her
Something she cherished more then herself
In all her pain and agony she still held this mass above her
Curiosity struck me and I looked up into the mass and I saw your eyes
Those eyes of hate that have beaten me and broken me
So I grabbed her hands and tried to make her let go of this weight
That caused her so much pain
She struggled against me
I looked into her broken eyes and begged her to “let go!”
“Let go!” I screamed
“Please let go!”
“If you don't let go we will both drown!”
She shivered and looked up into my eyes
I have never seen so much pain in my life...
She whispered a soft silent sound
"I am all that's left of you"
And melted into a dark mass that overwhelmed me
I opened my eyes
And found myself back in the deathly water
My lungs about to burst from lack of air
But I would not surrender myself to this torment any longer
I have never fought so hard for anything in my life
Right before the darkness claimed me I exploded out of the surface
And all I saw before me was calm waters...
Of the clearest most beautiful blue...
I have found my peace
Something I could never find with you