Owl by Naomi Nasman

Owl by Jamie Townsend & Cru Dorsey

Owl  by Naomi Nasman 

As blood struggles to surface, whispers willingly trace my collarbones.
Every pore seeps an eerie murmur, and once released, forcefully wraps around these limbs.
My cheeks have gone livid.
I offer you an image so painstakingly vivid.
A heart holds an obdurate fever in which no being wishes to abide.
For within was once a battle where impulse and adrenaline did collide.
I insist that I only bear a sagacious case of psychosis.
I swallow capsules filled with hysteria of generous doses.
What is this grasp that so desperately lingers?
And now it proliferates and tightens its fingers.
It’s quite miraculously, inexorable that I am forced to brood.
Of such hopeless craving, obsession, swarming, and blood.
A hollow eyed owl perched within my soul sings.
Here grows a mystery untold wrapped in her wings.